Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mars Turns Direct: Turn Plans into Action!

In astrology, Mars is the planet of passion and action. Named after the Roman God of War, it is known as the "red planet," and energy, passion, drive and determination are all within its sphere of influence. This planet commands you (and yes, Mars does rule the military) to stand up, be noticed and get things done!
Sitting on the sidelines belongs somewhere else in the heavens. Simply put, Mars speaks to your personal power and confidence level. Ambition and competition are also within Mars's realm. Martian energy gives us the power to act on our desire and goals -- it lights our inner fires and stokes our passions. Whether it's at work or play, Mars encourages us to face challenges and be our best -- or better. However, Mars's energy can be aggressive and even destructive, so it is up to us to harness this force for positive use.

Mars takes approximately two years to complete its orbit around the zodiac, and has been retrograde in Leo since December 20, 2009. On March 10, it once again resumes its apparent direct motion in Leo.

The Fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - will feel the effect of Mars going direct most strongly, as they slam their feet down on the accelerator.

The Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - will find that things have started moving faster for them as well.

The Water signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - will push practical and money-making plans into gear.

The Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - have Mars hidden at the moment, but they too will find that their longer term plans will start to see movement.

However, we all will feel the full effect of Mars going direct, for depending on which house Mars is currently situated in our birth charts, the arena of our lives ruled by that house will suddenly wake up!

Enlist the energies of your progressed chart to understand where to focus your energies for maximum return. The continual movement of the planets through your life affects the events that shape your future. A progressed chart locates the signs, aspects and house positions for each planet for any given year, telling you how long they will remain in those positions. These changes show you when to act on the potential revealed by your natal chart, as well as when to embrace growth in your life. Awareness of your progressed chart helps you make informed decisions about every aspect of your life.