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Thursday, October 8, 2009
It’s a common misconception that naturally beautiful models take naturally beautiful photographs. The truth is—without modeling poses and modeling tips, perfect photographs are harder than you think.
If you are a professional model, a photographer will most likely guide you through a variety of model poses throughout the photo shoot. But if you are an inspiring model and are still working your way up to the top—you may have to control your poses to ensure great headshots and sample modeling photographs.
Live show models, promo models, photographic models, and runway models all rely on professional model poses to succeed. Whether you aspire to appear in print magazines or fashion shows and Hollywood movies; if you want to be a model, pay special attention to this insider guide to modeling poses.
Although sometimes concentration enhances a good photograph, obvious concentration can distract and often ruin a good photograph as well. Do not hold your breath for a modeling pose; always remember to breathe and appear at ease.
Bad posture is an unrecognized flaw in many people. However, for models, posture is a harmful flaw. Always remember to keep your back straight and your shoulders up. Slouching affects the mood of the photograph and enlarges the appearances of your stomach. In addition to your back and shoulders, always remember to flex your stomach muscles. Despite your weight or state of shape, your abdomen will appear more toned if you flex.
Although the camera is the ultimate focal point of a modeling photo shoot, great models do not look directly into the camera. To enhance the quality of your photo shoot, look away from the camera with a mix of head and eye poses. Looking off to the right or left side, or tiling your neck to either side can help you avoid direct eye contact with the camera. In many cases, your head and neck can remain stationary in your modeling pose—and your eyes can do all the work. Head and eye positions, coupled with personable facial expressions make for great model poses.
Sitting Poses
If you are sitting down during your photo shoot—don’t think it’s ok to slack off. In fact, sitting photo shoots require a lot of extra work. If you are sitting down or reclining, it’s important to put your eight on the back of one thigh, rather than distributing your weight equally on both thighs. If you roll one hip up from the ground or surface, shifting your weight will be simple. This pose results in a slimming effect that you don’t want to miss out on.
If you have a naturally beautiful smile—show your pearly whites with pride, just not every time. If you smile in each modeling pose, modeling agents will notice your lack of versatility, not your smile. To add variety to your modeling poses, try switching up your smile with a cute frown, a bratty bout, a friendly laugh, or even an edgy scowl. Your facial expressions can make or break your modeling poses. Let your smile show, but make sure to show what else you can do.
In addition to these personalized tips for modeling poses, every model should be aware of the basics of posing. There are 4 main types of model poses: lifestyle pose, movement pose, portrait pose, and body pose.
The lifestyle pose evokes a sense of everyday living with common body movements and facial expressions. Throughout the day, moments of happiness, love, anger, and hope arise. To succeed at the lifestyle pose, each model must be able to recreate these everyday emotions.
The movement pose captures a specific action, such as running or jumping. Because this pose is most often used for a marketing photo shoot—the model is used to promote a product. Each model must be able to smile and laugh when using the products in the photo shoot.
This modeling pose emphasizes the face of the model—and relies purely on facial features. The model will be in modest makeup and relaxed hair and should pose with a casual, genuine smile. Many portrait photographs are close up and emphasize details of the model’s face. If you are scheduled for a portrait photo shoot, make sure to pay extra attention to your skin and drink at least 8-12 glasses of water a day.
Full-length photographs require body poses. Models are encouraged to shift weight between hips and make arms and lengths into asymmetrical stances. Although many body poses do not require specific facial expressions, putting your entire body into character during full-length poses helps your body find a natural balance.
Keep these insider model posing tips in mind during your next professional model photo shoot to ensure you blow the photographer away. Whether you’re a trained expert or an ambitious beginner, all models have the ability to excel in photo shoots. Focus on your posture, attitude, and facial expressions to succeed beyond your wildest expectations.
-Always go prepared : ie...clothing changes that you know will fit you. Don't always think that he/she will have everything that is needed for the shoot.
-Always take your own make-up; even if he/she has told you there will be a make-up artist there. Always think of the could be's.
-Get as many references as you can. That would include other models and/or assignments that the photographer has had. Check and double check. And be sure that a legitimate photographer is doing the same with you. Never take anything for granted.
-Get phone numbers and addresses if possible, if he/she is hesitant. You might want to rethink the shoot.
-Make sure that you know exactly what the shoot consist of, and never feel pressured to do anything that you do not feel comfortable doing. If nothing else go by your gut feeling.
-There should always be a modeling agreement"release" signed before the shoot, some might prefer after. As long as you get one it should be ok. Make sure in the agreement that you have knowledge of where and how your images are going to be displayed. Try to have full say in this.... If at all possible.
-Don't ever do anything that you might be sorry for later. What you do today can affect your career later down the road. "If you pose for a photo that you cannot show your family and friends, and be proud of it, it wasn't worth doing". Mainly YOU should be proud of it.
-Remember your body is yours, and if anyone comes within your safety zone, be sure to let them know. I have found that more reputable photographer's will NOT touch you. If you feel uncomfortable as stated before, tell them so. That is your right.
In the world of modeling, Latin models have long been considered very big attractions.
Not everyone can become professional models, that much is true. Some may have the same physical attributes as the world’s top supermodels have. Some may be as tall as Nigerian supermodel Oluchi Onweagba, or as gorgeous as any of the Latin supermodels who have taken the modeling world by storm. But in very much the same way that not all good basketball players make it to the NBA, not all good-looking men and women can break into the world of professional modeling. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles. But don’t let your modeling dreams crumble just because you’ll never make it to the runways of Milan, Paris, London and New York. There are other more viable options, and all of them are just within reach. By getting into the world of amateur modeling, you’ll get to live out all your modeling fantasies, and more!
-Always go prepared : ie...clothing changes that you know will fit you. Don't always think that he/she will have everything that is needed for the shoot.
-Always take your own make-up; even if he/she has told you there will be a make-up artist there. Always think of the could be's.
-Get as many references as you can. That would include other models and/or assignments that the photographer has had. Check and double check. And be sure that a legitimate photographer is doing the same with you. Never take anything for granted.
-Get phone numbers and addresses if possible, if he/she is hesitant. You might want to rethink the shoot.
-Make sure that you know exactly what the shoot consist of, and never feel pressured to do anything that you do not feel comfortable doing. If nothing else go by your gut feeling.
-There should always be a modeling agreement"release" signed before the shoot, some might prefer after. As long as you get one it should be ok. Make sure in the agreement that you have knowledge of where and how your images are going to be displayed. Try to have full say in this.... If at all possible.
-Don't ever do anything that you might be sorry for later. What you do today can affect your career later down the road. "If you pose for a photo that you cannot show your family and friends, and be proud of it, it wasn't worth doing". Mainly YOU should be proud of it.
-Time for Prints is just that, your time in exchange for prints.
-Always present yourself in a very professional manner whether it be your first or 100th shoot.
-Keep your portfolio updated with new looks etc. We all change from time to time, never present yourself as something that you are not.
-Remember there are modeling opportunities for almost everyone. Make sure that you fit into the one that best suits you and your goals. Marketing today is very diversified, different looks, shapes, sizes, ages, etc.
-Ambition. A model goes after her goals. You won't become a model by sitting at home and waiting for agents to come to you! (Note: Never sign with the first agency you visit. Always go to at least five before making a Decision!)
Not everyone can become professional models, that much is true. Some may have the same physical attributes as the world’s top supermodels have. Some may be as tall as Nigerian supermodel Oluchi Onweagba, or as gorgeous as any of the Latin supermodels who have taken the modeling world by storm. But in very much the same way that not all good basketball players make it to the NBA, not all good-looking men and women can break into the world of professional modeling. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles. But don’t let your modeling dreams crumble just because you’ll never make it to the runways of Milan, Paris, London and New York. There are other more viable options, and all of them are just within reach. By getting into the world of amateur modeling, you’ll get to live out all your modeling fantasies, and more!
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